
Showing posts from May, 2018


Hello all, or maybe no one, who knows? Anyway, welcome to my blog, which hopefully will document my journey in a way I haven't previously attempted to do (other than my impromptu vlogging, which is still yet to make an official appearance on the internet). This post is going to address an issue that has recently been on the minds of many 16-18 year olds across the country: EXAMS (we all hate them) , GRADES (agh predictions) , UNIVERSITY (will I even get in?). And I really won't be able to cover this all in one post, so keep a look out for more study related posts! To get to the point, I recently did a mock for my AS Chemistry exam, and albeit to the lack of revision which subconsciously must have prepared me for my disappointing grade, my disappointing grade was, well, disappointing. Flash forward to a few weeks on, I am currently doing a past paper which, admittedly, has taken me far too long (I'm blaming this on a fake tan disaster and sun-induced procrastination),